Angeles National Forest Volunteers


What is

My motivation in creating this site was to foster a sense of community among volunteers by bringing the volunteers across the Angeles National Forest together in one central place, and to make some of the boring parts of volunteering a little bit easier and faster. As it stands now, the volunteer community is highly segmented and isolated. The volunteers in the San Gabriel Canyon never meet the volunteers at Chantry Flats, nor do they meet the fire lookouts manning Vetter. The isolation isn't limited to geography. It is often the case that the volunteers of one organization never meet volunteers from the other groups working at the same locations. It is my hope that this Web site can do a little bit to create a more cohesive volunteer community in the Angeles National Forest.

Upcoming Features

This Web site should become a lot more useful in the near future. I'm hoping to have the major features working before the big summer volunteer season is underway. Some of the features I plan on implementing are:

These are just some of my ideas. If you have any ideas, feel free to post them in the suggestions forum.


If you are a USFS volunteer on the Angeles National Forest, please register yourself on the forums and don't feel shy about beginning a conversation. If you are not yet a volunteer, please sign up by contacting one of the volunteer organizations or one of the following Forest Service offices: